Public Service (Education)

Conversations with Dr Norshahril Saat

Conversations with Dr Norshahril Saat

Dr Norshahril Saat is a Senior Fellow at the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute. He researches mainly on the politics of countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore, and has a strong interest in Middle East politics.

Conversations with Jared Poon

Conversations with Jared Poon

Jared Poon is Assistant Director of the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth. Currently, he works at building capabilities in engagement for officers across the Public Service.

Conversations with Mila Ariel

Conversations with Mila Ariel

Mila Ariel is an English teacher at the enrichment centre, The Write Connection. Since as early as she can remember, she has always been passionate about language: reading, writing and journaling from a young age.

Conversations with Marvin Kang

Conversations with Marvin Kang

Marvin volunteers with The Apprenticeship Collective, a not-for-profit organisation they quite unwittingly founded that now provides opportunities for youths to try out different professions