Public Service

Insights on Public Policy

Insights on Public Policy

Curious about a career in public policy? Click here to find out more about the industry?

Insights on MHA

Insights on MHA

On 26 February 2022, Advisory hosted Experience+: MHA, where participants had the opportunity to network with MHA civilian officers and learn more about civilian generalist and specialist careers in MHA.

Conversations with Joycelyn Yik

Conversations with Joycelyn Yik

By Lin Min Htoo and Maple Ee Joycelyn Yik is a Senior Planner at the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA). As a planner in URA’s Strategic Planning Group, Joycelyn is part of a team that plans for Singapore’s long-term land uses over the next 50 years. She has an

Insights on International Affairs

Insights on International Affairs

The Discovery+ Series is a series of events, delivered through online digital solutions, which give students the chance to speak directly with working professionals, and learn about careers they aspire to enter.